They’ll likely have the same black Friday deal next year. So no worries.
Don’t you use proton mail? They have unlimited hide me aliases. Doesn’t that work similar to startmail’s burner emails?
They’ll likely have the same black Friday deal next year. So no worries.
Don’t you use proton mail? They have unlimited hide me aliases. Doesn’t that work similar to startmail’s burner emails?
I have the free email. I noticed the paid has the unlimited aliases. I’m on a pretty strict budget but may look into a bit more of the proton services depending on the price.
I’ll look into that, thanks for the advice.
It’s a new router from Xfinity, and the firestick is located 6 inches from the router. The speed loss is disturbing to say the least.
I should say. How old is the Max?
Surfshark sucks and when you tell them about the buffering and they give you the same things to do over and over again they finally tell you it is the streaming app that is the problem not them.
I had 3 different vpns and all blocked the service with tivimate and ipsmarters i just gave up with them, i have xfinity internet as a provider and xtremeHD for iptv service.
I have ProtonVPN and use it without issue. Maybe try the free one and see if it works for you.
I was also having the same issues with Surfshark and Tivimate. I had the same buffering problem when I used IPVanish. I have 400 mps cable internet and had been using a 4k Max Firestick. I changed over to the ONN streaming box (still using SurfShark and Tivimate) and now have less than ~10% of the buffering I had in the past. The other thing to keep in mind is if you paid your IPTV provider for one connection and you have another TV using the same IPTV provider at the same time, you will get non stop buffering. Hope this is helpful
Also, if you are using more connections than you paid for, and your provider finds out. You stand a good chance of getting banned and disconnected. lol
In Tivimate go to settings, playback, buffer size, if it is set to small, change to medium. That worked for me.
On Tivimate go to settings and then to play back and the very top after you open playback there is buffer size move it to large
I have the same combination and had similar issues every now and the. I changed my protocol from Auto to WireGard and this has done the trick. I still get some minor issues but then change the location. I am in Australia and use the Australian locations as I seldom need US or UK services. Good luck and I hope this helps.
run anality to see if it’s your provider. IP vanish works well try daddy live for IPTV.
I experienced buffering as well in the beginning, when I am connected via WiFi, once I went wired. My signal increased significantly and I had the highest internet connection offered by my ISP. WIRED all the way is your best bet every time! I would suggest try to move to a wired setup, trust me you cannot go wrong!
I would like to go the wired route but my modem is only close to my tv in the den. The den and my living room tv are far from each other and I cannot connect.
Earlier in this thread I wrote that I repositioned my modem a few days ago and now any buffering is very minimal and brief. So I am hopeful that this will be the fix
Maybe you can clear something up for me. Ron turned me on (that didn’t sound right lol) to the Proton Pass deal for a dollar a month for life. Now I admit I’ve been busy of late and I don’t really know what I bought except it has ecrypted email and password manager. Does Proton Pass come with a VPN? Or is Proton VPN a completely different company?
As for the original post, I have basically the same setup (without firesticks) and sometimes despite good speeds and the usual tricks to clean things up, you will still get buffering. I really think this is on the iptv provider’s end. An email telling them the specific channels that buffer (and that you watch) helped me also. They did something on their end to reduce buffering on my end.
Proton Pass is my VPN and I have their free E:mail. Proton for $1/mth for life? How can I get that? I wish.
It was a very limited time deal a few months ago (I forget the reason for the promo) for a very limited time. TXRon splashed it out there and I couldn’t resist. Or maybe it was in a more obscure post — don’t remember. Maybe it does include a VPN?
If it’s Proton Plus that’s the name of my VPN sub. You can always go on line to proton and log into your account to see exactly what your sub is.
Thanks, I’ll do that. Pretty happy with SS so far though. However, it’d be nice to know it’s there as a backup.