Brave Browser - loading pages issue

This post is for anyone running Brave browser on Windows 10.

Is anyone else having issues with pages not loading completely? I have to click the reload button multiple times to load graphics and content.

I have disabled ads and tracking. I’ve disabled extensions and it has not helped.

Looking for answers.

Are you using a vpn?


Clearing your cache and old cookies from the Brave settings could help.

Other times, check to see if it’s a bad extension installed that’s creating a loading conflict.

Do you have another browser to see if it loads? That could eliminate network issues and isolate it to brave.

Yes, it was one of the first things that I tried. No resolution.

Yes, both MS Edge & Firefox. Pages load just fine on them. It is not a network / broadband issue. Plus, I have 400mb fiber broadband so speed is not an issue.

That’s strange I have the problem with Firefox not showing any reply’s at all, Brave works very well for me.

What is interesting as this morning, I’m not having the issue with Brave. I’ve done nothing to effect it working this morning and the pages are loading ok without having to hit the reload
This has been a pattern, at least for me, that this issue comes, and goes.

Yes I have a similar problem. Occasionally, pages only partially load and it is impossible to scroll down to view the whole page. The same pages load normally with other browsers. If I find a solution, i will update this post.

I see this on their forum regularly with issues and solutions.

I thought one of the solutions presented there was to turn off ‘Trackers & Ads blocking’ which did help – a little but, it was not a solution to the overall problem.
Plus, the reason I and others use Brave is for that very purpose.

I hope their developers get a handle on this issue. As I said in my earlier reply, Brave is actually loading pages correctly – so far – today.

I did notice that they said if you don’t have issues when using the Private browsing then the problems are due to an addon.

Could be Brave automatically blocking Pop-Ups and Re-directs. Adding the website address to the “Allowed” list in Settings/Privacy & Security/Site & Shield Settings/Pop-ups & redirects/ may substantially improve performance.

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That’s a good tip. Thanks.

I was hoping your suggestion would work however, the problem started up again yesterday (after a temporary resolution) and this morning. The 4 sites I open the browser to on launch were added to the ‘allowed’ list and to get the pages and images to fully load I have to click the reload option.

When you add the IP address to the “Allowed” List, make sure it is just the root address - i.e. (or something similar). If there is more to the address after the last “/” (in other words - you go to different areas on the same website) it will be covered by the root entry. A lot of times when you make successive logins to the same website, the information after the last “/” will change. Also remember that if you need to login, the login page is often at a different (sometimes completely different at the root address) IP address than the main website.

Have you ever found a solution to Brave loading pages issue? I continue to have this intermittent problem. It is particularly bad this morning. I have to click the reload at least 3 times to get a full loading of a page.

I’m going to take one more stab at trying to figure why approximately 50% of the time I have to hit the reload button, usually at least twice, to fully load images and content on a website.

I have tried everything I can think of to resolve this issue. I’ve turned off ad blockers, I’ve added sites to a whitelist. I’ve disabled all the extensions. Nothing has worked. It is frustrating and it has been going on for a very long time

If I can’t resolve this issue with some tweaks I may have missed, I’m going to uninstall brave and move to another browser, maybe Firefox.

Thanks for any advice.