Best browser for Nvidia Shield

Looking for the best browser for Shield.

So far, I tried the following:
JioPages - terrible, kept on locking up and never could use it because of those locking issues.
Firefox - couldn’t find the right version for Shield.
Puffin - always kicked my out at some point
Chrome - can’t find the right version for Shield.


What’s wrong with TV Bro? It is in the Toolbox.

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get mouse toggle and it will help with many browser issues


I second what @TXRon said and also suggest you try Opera as your browser. You can download it from apkmirror, apkpure, one of those type places.

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Is “Mouse Toggle” the exact name of the app?

Firefox is on the Play store it works great on mine tor is also good. Search is your friend

I searched for Firefox in Google Play Store and it did not come up so I am thinking there is not a viable, compatible version for Shield.



Hello @tadam I had problems with JioPages locking up on NVIDIA SHIELD as well but once I restarted the device, it works perfectly.

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Tried that one. It has a permanent banner on top that says Amazon no longer will support Firefox :slightly_frowning_face:

You are probably going to have to side load it a place like unlinked you can get it on Troy’s toolbox

You need to turn off play protection and leave it off I have it on my shield and it works great

see if you can sideload firefox focus. To be honest its my fav android browser and as with most browsers mouse toggle or a fly mouse helps with navigation.


I use TVBro most of the time.

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I liked JioPages but as you experienced it would lock up on me. Didn’t matter how many times I rebooted it would eventually lockup again. I even uninstalled/reinstalled to no avail.

I settled for TVBRo and like it, but have installed Firefox, but seem to keep forgetting I have it. lol

Also, I highly recommend downloading the Aurora Store and enable it to access the full Play Store. Only negative is you will need something like Mouse Toggle to navigate more efficiently.

Here a fairly neat link.
How to browse internet on Nvidia Shield | TechBytes With Ron Nutter

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Try Brave or use the one built in.

I use TVBro Browser

Works great and NO Mouse Toggle required . It’s in the Shield Playstore

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