Beautifulsoup4 Python issue in Kodi help

Hi folks, I’ve been using kodi for a few years now and I’ve got seren, the crew and the promise addons . All linked to real debrid , now I’ve had a few technical issues over the years and got them fixed but I’ve tried to watch a program on all of them and there’s no streams available for literally anything so i uninstalled them and tried to install them again and nothing. I can install them from zip but won’t let me do it from repositorys. The message says something about soup 4 . Is anyone else having these issues . Kodi is updated to 20.5 nexus. Could anyone help me
Thank you in advance :pray:t2:

Beautiful Soup is a Python package for parsing HTML and XML documents, including those with malformed markup. So I would focus my research there. Sorry not a Python guy but hopefully someone who is will chime in.

I think it’s a bit to technical for me like :grimacing: thanks for your reply :+1:t2:

Is this on a windows machine and yes Python isn’t anything I’ve ever looked into either.

No it’s on firestick 4k max

Well now, that is weird. Shouldn’t have a python issue on FireOS. Are you sure the Kodi and addons are for Android and not windows? Just guessing here.

Yeah definitely, I’ve never had this kind of issue before and it was working perfectly fine until the other night