Hey all, I just found this and thought it may help some of you who have AT&T Internet Service:
If you have AT&T INTERNET and are having issues with not being able to login, constant buffering, or invalid/expired error messages you need to follow these steps:
Download the AT&T Smart Home Manager app Login to the smart home manager app Click profile tab at bottom far right Click on account and select
ActiveArmor Select cancel service
*NOTE: You can reactivate ActiveArmor at any time, it’s a free security service they offer.
A friend of mine in the neighborhood who I “maintain” services for had this very problem, I fixed his with this info, and it worked good. As always, YMMV. Good Luck and stay safe out there!
I have the App on my phone. I also have AT&T wireless foy my cell service and what I love about it is it blocks robo callers and anyone that is not a contact gets sent straight to voice mail
I have AT&t for my cell service also. I have prepaid 25 bucks a month. However they remind me about five times that it’s coming up been paid and next month’s coming up gets tiresome.
I know this is an old thread, but I have a relative having problems logging in any iptv. I have verified that the same iptv accounts work on my wifi using her same device, but they are blocked on hers. Are you saying that you don’t have the ActiveAmor service? Or are you saying you have it and it keeps you from having robo or spam calls?
Yeah I have ActiveAmour app on my phone and any calls that are not in my contact list automatically go to voicemail without the phone ringing. Works really well
That’s how mine is. I just checked the app and it’s active for my device (phone) and calls and texts. when I select Network (my wifi) it says it costs $3.99/month to “secure my wifi network” No thank you
Aha, thank you. So it is only active on your phone and not on your wifi. Very good to know. I was afraid if you turned it off in your account it was off in both places. Gonna try what Reece suggested.