Apks without kodi, questions

Hi I use bee tv, flimplus, Stremio, hdbox, etc. I watch directly through these apps with the players they recommend. I get buffering often.

So i know its not my internet. I can use pluto, tubi ect and other apps have no bufering.

I want a free option if all possible.

I appreciate help with this Please

Thank you

Do you know what your internet speed is?

I dont know the technical explanation but i believe how the stream loads on the Stremio etc, is different than with Tubi, Pluto and other FAST services.

300 mbps att

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Ok you do have the speed. But is that speed you pay for or the actual speed from Analiti or another Speed tester? If your using a vpn on the device expect the speed to be reduced as well. Ive has 500mbps reduced to 70mbps with a vpn. Still enough for good streaming but its not 500mbps.

I use kodi so i am not familiar with these apks. Could you be selecting a link that is too much for your device/tv to handle? Like selecting the High Quality 90GB movie instead of the 20GB version?


I will due a speed test. I use vpn. I Still learning in and outs of streaming. I will let you know what comes up with my speed test

Ok. I’m just trying to help a little. Others that use these apks will know better.

Make sure you do a few speed test with and without the vpn on. It will give you an idea of your signal strength to the device and tge amount the vpn is slowing it down.

Also, choosing a vpn location thats is close to your actual location is recommended. Unless of course you are looking to change geographic viewing territory instead of just hiding your streaming from isp.

Yes i will choose vpn closer. I will do test with or without vpn.
Thank you for your help

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Are you using a Debrid service with these apps or free streams?
Are using Ethernet or WiFi?
If you are using WiFi is the router close to your device.
As mentioned choose a vpn server closer which will reduce latency.
No vpn will reduce latency even more.

This is why I have always used KODI and not these other sub tier APK’s that lots have issues with. Been here a long time and KODI and Stremio are King. Many don’t want to use KODI and say it’s too hard. It simply works


TIP…on vpn usage. Closest is in no way better. I suggest looking for a less populated server. For a long time my fastest server was in NewYork and i’m in Texas however now days I find the fastest either in Chicago, Detroit or LA…and currently finding my fastest speeds in Arizona. Yes it is possible for closest to be best but not always…jus’ sayin’


I will definitely use different areas for vpn .thank you for that

No debrid, no kodi, using the app itself with recommended player. Ethernet only.
There alot of steps with kodi. There still alot to learn. I dont want to have to pay for a service. I dont know with using kodi what free option there is

there are better apps out there pm me if you want list

Ok. I dont how to pm you here? I didn’t know pm was option here.
Share with how? Or can show me where?
Thank you

Click anyones Avitar, in this case it’s the pirate parrot with a sword. That will open @pirate77 s message popup. Click the blue Message button and send Pirate a message.


Thank you very much

Removed Post, PM’d instead :slightly_smiling_face:

Helpful thoughts for Stremio non buffering

  1. Use Torrentio addon
  2. Use a streaming device with modern/ fast processor
  3. Select streams with lots of seeders
  4. 264 compression is the old (easier) data transfer for your processor but uses more data
  5. 265 compression uses less data and less buffering but you need faster processor
  6. 720 hd plays easier than 1080
  7. Have as few apps/apks running in the background as possible
  8. Conclusions If your selection is a 720hd with hundreds of seeders with 264 compression using Torrentio, you should have fewer buffering issues.

If any of this terminology is unfamiliar to you, YouTube and internet Search is your best friend!
Master these terms and Stremio with Torrentio is all you need!


Thank you for this info. Im still learning about streaming. Yes i understand some of this

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can you share your preferences ?