Anyone else having fire device load issues?

I have used firesticks or a cube for years. And I’ve worked out all the issues that pop up. But usually, it’ll be one device. Not all three. But both kodi and youtube (the videos play fine once loaded) are now taking insane time to upload. Its A PROBLEM I have never seen,.

Yes I did master reloads, reinstalled apps, my internet is blinding fast.


I cannot get unlinked or anything from the Troypoint Toolbox to download

unlinked? What do you mean? From downloader?

Try disabling your VPN and try again.

I have noticed same thing on my firestick, didnt matter if vpn was on or off, weird thing it was always in the evening, when i tried it in morning it worked, i also notice on one of my addons i was not getting any streams, however the same addon on my nvidea shield got many streams. I only had two apps on my firestick, kodi and youtube. So there was plenty space and memory. Tried cleaning everything, still same problem. To me seems like amazon may be responsible. I got fed up with this and replaced my firestick max with another nvidea shield. Now i am happy again.

Tried that. Actually uninstalled the vpn on one device all together

Now as things do with firesticks it has gotten better this am. If something new happens I’ll update.

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I been having a Same issue with mines too like it feels it’s been lagging like when I try to click on YouTube tv or cinema it pops back off even the links haven’t been working feel like things been going slow and did all the updates and everything and it was still lagging and I had my firestick for years so I update to another one that I bought today hopeful this one want lag :tired_face: