Android x86 on Bootable USB!


Very cool. In the last two months I’ve created W7, Tiny W11 and W10 bootable Usb drives. They allow booting and running the operating systems on any PC or I’m told, even a Mac. The ISO`s are larger and it can take many hours to create it when you choose, Windows To Go and not just an install USB stick. I will absolutely try this if I can run Androld off a stick.

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All I see are releases 3 years old and older. No newer releases. Is this correct?


Same here but for the fun of it I don’t really care unless it has problems with downloading some apps to test out.

Here’s another take on android x86 with more “windows like” featues.

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I’m going to give this a shot on a mini PC that I run LibreElec on right now. It would be very cool to have an Android OS running on PC hardware.

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