An OTA Change is in the Works

If you use an OTA to access local programming. You need to watch this!

(7) Restrictive DRM Coming to ATSC 3 Broadcasts… Why are Broadcasters Doing This? - YouTube

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Hopefully Plex keeps up with these certifications. I really like using it for my OTA channels.


Comcast Is Starting to Encrypt Its Free Over The ATSC 3.0 TV Stations Meaning Many Cord Cutters Can’t Watch Free Local TV Anymore Without Upgrade | Cord Cutters News


Sad… Greed has no boundaries!


I thought Obama did something concerning OTA during his 1st term to make sure the transition would still allow for free TV without needing internet. In other words, Free OTA.

I wonder if this will have any impact for the iptv providers, or if they will need to get new code?

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Whatever the case this is just big tech attempting to muddy the waters for people on the brink of cutting the cord and persuade them to stay put in their expensive contract that consumes most of their SS check monthly. imho


My 400 mbps Xfinity/Comcast bill (autopay) went from $50/month to $73/month after a year – even though I signed a two year contract. I think I figured it out. I signed up for two years, but the “intro” $50 price was only good for a year.

Freakin snakes.

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Yeah, a lot of companies give you a special introductory rate if you sign up for a multiple year contract. But the fine print says introductory rate is only for 12 months! This should be illegal!


This smells just like what happed back in the 80’s. I was very happy with my 9’ satellite dish until they decided to scramble everything.


Typical Comcast. They need to go away!