ALLDEBRID use and settings not generating links

Not, sure if I have the categories correct. I am copying my links to the generator and every link is not generating. Every one of them is saying this is not a valid link. I get magnets but don’t know how to use them. I found a reddit post that said they were not valid under an auspicious site but I am using the genuine ALLDEBRID. Anyone know how to use ALLDEBRID correctly as I might have the settings wrong. With Real Debrid it shows a download and I delete after watching with the APK I use.

You have to link your Kodi addons or apks to the service as of the other day I’m not getting any cach torrents I don’t know what’s going on with alldebrid

Yeah did that. They came back for some reason. Not sure what I did. Thanks. I tried a zillion things but I think because I deleted a browser from my streaming device which is what ALLDEBRID uses then I re-added a browser so maybe that did it but if you found no torrents then maybe the problem was with ALLDEBRID. Have a good one.

Site says down n working on it. Ever since they change API s u have to go on email and except new IP address sign in . Hope realdribd does follow suit

Doesn’t follow suit I have both for this reason AD doesn’t cach sometimes

All Debrid uses uptobox for links.

Uptobox was raided by ACE and shut down this week. They have issued a press release stating that they will be back up and running soon.

Only time will tell.

I have contacted AD about my account no longer being able to get links because of their use of uptobox.

Their reply was useless and quite rude as usual.

I have written off the money i paid and moved to RD. Everything now works again with my Stremio app and Torrentio.

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Update: i have now had a more positive reply from AD. They are working to re establish server links very soon.

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Same here for some reason they changed their API keys I guess they where having problems with unauthorized use . I cleared history from browser then resign in then go to email and accept it but I get cached torrents sometimes then don’t. realdebrid is where it’s at but liked having bothnevera enough streaming happy streaming pat

yes did that as well. Also cleared past api keys. One kept showing up saying a birthdate. Found it was a hack and yes an unauthorized user. Every aspect of my network and all things IoT has been hacked over the years so I smell it when I sense some thief …Hacking is theft. At one point until I figured it out the hack was preventing driver updates on every device. And those theives loved using my Microsoft service and prevention of windows updates. A few weeks ago it was a prevention in updating my VPN service. Point is to check if apps and services are updating. Most basic security software will not detect many hacks. Sometimes good ole windows spots what nothing else can. Glad AD responded more politely. I realized I am addicted to streaming because I freaked out when it was down…hehehehe. The whole panic anxiety I was like what uh…Houston you have a problem. Pick up a book. Laughing at myself. :rofl: Also the indicator of the hack was via the media player VLC on PC and the player I used android showed the AD no account.

Sorry I replied to PADDY dude but had both of you in mind. Glad they were more polite. The Dak member was right about the change in api keys and unauthorized use. I did not know about the uptobox scrap.

Hey good stuff first think I should delete all my API keys from alldebrid? Just got premiumze and works well if it works I’ll get a year it’s cheaper been. I always turn access to storage off any third party app I’m not using

You need to keep their api automated keys. Erasing all of them and starting over can cause problems but I did it and changed password for account. In my testing I found that I was adding my own API keys which led to well confusion. So if your going to do it deleting everything and then starting over with their api self created key I found was best. Best rule of thumb if it is working leave it alone. Access to storage on third party app? This could be a reason it shuts off because while streaming it downloads to view so not sure how that works. I am a real beginner when it comes to ALLDEBRID. I still do not know how to use a MAGNET which I think downloads an entire file to your devices storage and do not know how to do that as I am not using FILE EXPLORER. Had an old device and through downloading apks uploaded every hack imaginable so I tend to stear clear of anything that is a download. Do you know how to use the magnets?

That’s fine always open to new stuff happening! I just saw alldebrid is back giving us ten days . Now I get many streams :+1: it’s good to have someone to chat with best streaming paddy.

No I just use third party apps cache torrents but I think it’s good to know how . I’ll check it out tomorrow and once I figure it out I’ll pass it on

I know right. You were the only one who responded to ALLDEBRID. When you figure out how to use a MAGNET let me know cause there are a few shows that are only in MAGNET form which I think needs to download to something like FILE EXPLORER to play the stream or or. Are you familiar with the app WEYD? I am not a KODI fan as I found it used so much storage and slowed everything down as well as was a point of hack on my device. Syncler I used but did not renew the premium on it as Weyd is similar.

For magnet links use a torrent app like bitorrent. I know in RD to can add magnet links for downloading but I don’t know about Alldebrid.

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Hey sorry I’ve been busy. I m not reuping alldebrid. I’m now using Rd n PM free massage it’s so much better on Rd go to torrent copy paste to magnets then press ok .the only things is u from that device any questions keep into h ill heck once a week I use cinema n Kodi fire stick max added storage