A Sort of Obscure Series - But For Mystery Drama Ive Enjoyed It So Far (into season 2 now)


Without going into serious details to alleviate spoilers, I give this Mystery / Drama / Crime series around 7.5 or 8 out of 10. It has the story, a good script, hella acting, dialogues, interesting scenery and awesome camerawork. To me, all of which make it above average for my viewing pleasure. The female lead, (policewoman Danielle Macdonald) is superb imho. I’m definitly not a pro-critic, but could probabIy do better than some of the hot-garbage takes from the so-called writers I’ve read critiquing other shows and movies. As many of us do out of boredom, I took a chance on The Tourist and ended up half-binging season one in one sitting! I then got back to it a week later and finished it off in a few more viewing sessions.
Season 2 is out now, and I’m slow-rolling this one to see if the Story arc, continuity, change of series location and plot twists are on par with season 1. So far so good! I cant wait to sit for S2E03! I would love to read other insiders feedback and takes on this series, mainly to see if my “just a guy in a recliner” review is comparable. Enjoy!


Thanks. Looks good. I’ll have to check this out!

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Hi Reece, how goes it? I was wondering, after reading from the iMDb link you posted, is this series anything like the movie Memento? If you’ve seen it.

All is copacetic Tech2, thanks for inquiring. I have not seen Memento, but after reading the wiki on it, the obvious correlation (here I merely surmise) is the fact that the main character has a type of Amnesia.
Thanks for the mention of this movie…now I want to watch it, so I can compare and contrast the two! That is one thing great about Troypoint and the great folks here, recommending & finding interesting content to explore, view and then determine if we deem it worthy for others to give it a go!


I think you’ll love Memento. It’s a brilliant movie, with a very high iMDb rating. I might even watch it again, been awhile. Guy Pearce is outstanding in this in my opinion.


The premise of this TV series sounds similar to I movie I recently watched called “Pig”. Not to be confused with the resent Nicholas Cage movie of the same name. (FYI,I don’t know if I can recommend the Cage movie but I, myself enjoyed it). And the Pig movie that I saw was ok. Just bringing it up since the amnesia idea always offers a lot of possibilities. And YES! Memento was great. I’m a BIG fan of anything Chris Nolan.

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If you enjoyed this series because of the main actor (Jamie Denton) you should check out The Fall. There are 3 seasons with a continuous story line. It also stars Gillian Anderson. I am going to watch The Tourist because I really enjoyed The Fall.

Thanks! Yes indeed Denton is such a good actor. He leans into the character he portray’s in the Tourist with such affect, it’s really like just second-nature for him. I watched S02E04 last night, and WOW. Whoever was the casting director for this series hit a mega-grand-slam. Be sure to watch it in order as it is also a running stroyline, like a movie chopped up into episodes. I really enjoy it.

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Thanx for posting. Your opinion is as good as any critic. Next series that you find really good, hope you post that one too!


Reece, I am on the 4th episode and to me, Danielle MacDonald, aka Helen, is the standout actor. Such a sweet, goofy women with so much character. She actually adds a great, soft comic relief that kinda eases the tenseness a bit. (Is tenseness even a word? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)

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I agree, but the more you watch it’s hard to point out really just any ONE of 'em whole cast-wise. That’s why I mentioned whoever the person or people in charge of deciding who plays what part did such an epic job. I do concur; however, that Danielle MacDonald (“Helen”) is awesome in her role. What a great series!

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Whatever about the first series, as an Irishman I thought the second series was really bad (for those who have not watched the second series, it was filmed in Ireland).