Website with updated APKs, including streaming

Here is a site that I use at times to find new and updated apps. I have found lots of useful apps that I use everyday and think you will find some as well. Are there streaming apps? :thinking: YES!!! :smiley:

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Android Reviews | Firestick, APK, APPS, IPTV, ADFREE,


Even though the site says Firestick, you can install the apps on ANY device running Android.

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Hi @Mr20878 - Thanks for sharing this info!

Android Reviews is a solid resource agreed. However, I would avoid using Fire Stick Tricks for anything as they are a fraud website outside of the US that has copied all of our hard work from day one.


Hi @TP-Ryan,

“However, I would avoid using Fire Stick Tricks for anything as they are a fraud website outside of the US that has copied all of our hard work from day one.”

I removed the Firestick Tricks link. Thanks for letting me know, I had no idea.


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