Unread topics/messages at the top of the screen. *Not a glitch*

Sorry there is nowhere I can post something like this. Is anyone else having this problem. It started last night. How can I reset this message count? Dismiss them?
Thank you

Not sure what you did? I leave my page on “everything” and never mess with it. Its under the hamburger icon top left.

All topics are open please read this. its why you see that.

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Yes, just how mine is. I did nothing. Just last night all of a sudden it displayed all these unread messages and they all had exactly the same time stamp, 14 hours ago. I will totally log out and back in and see if that helps. I can’t clear the messages other than actually opening each one. I seriously don’t want to do that.

Read my post, mark them as read they will go away.

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Yep, and now I see what you are talking about and I ignore unread and leave it on Latest


I will try that right now. Thank you

I only see the option to dismiss at the top and it say’s I will never be notified of any these again “Stop tracking these topics so they never show up as unread for me again” Not what I want.

They will still show up if someone posts a reply or posts in the topic. Or if you post in that topic you will get pinged if you have replied in it.

Or ignore it and keep everything on latest…


I’ve dismissed them. Fingers crossed. Thank you and good morning

If you have issues you can revert back, I have over 3600, i just keep it on latest and ignore it.

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