Unable to Connect on Kodi

I’m having a serious problem with Kodi. I’ve been using it for a good six months now and love the Slamious build. But we have a problem.
After I type in the url for Slamious build or any other build (like dejavu), I get a message that says :

“Unable to connect
Couldn’t retrieve directory information.This could be due to the network not being connected. Do you want to add it anyway?”

I don’t understand why this is happening as I have a very good network connection.

Can anyone offer any solution?

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Welcome to the community.

It’s been stated a bunch of times, the main reasons for this are the url you put it is ether wrong like a spelling mistake or it’s no longer available.

The version of kodi you are using isn’t capable with the addon or buld you are trying to install.

My suggestion would be to look at my kodi topic as it has the info you need. Make sure you are using 19.3 as most addons are capable


Also I have found over the years is you may have to try several times to try and get it to download. I have found I need to be very careful in spelling

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What version of Kodi would be the most stable so I can use the Slamious build?


Kodi 18 and 19

When you go into the repo you should see 18 or 19, click on the one that uses your kodi version.

19 is your on 19.3, but keep in mind it may have not been updated for 19.3, might have to install kodi 19.

Also connect to a vpn then try.

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