Ugoos SK1 ...A new line from UGOOS

I think it’s great that this manufacturer continues to support their hardware/software with continuing updates. It is even better that they state the issues addressed with each update.


Ugoos is not your average manufacturer. They have high quality hardware, great specs and stand behind their products.

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I and a colleague tested it. It is really only noticeable on 720 and below.

It didnt really make any dfference to 1080. I turned it off and just let my tv work with the box and upscale as necessary.

But, a nice feature when needed.

Agreed. Their support has always been very good. And Eugene responds to fault reports very quickly.

Just gets better.

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@JerryJ SDMAID is found here, if your still looking

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The “Cyborg” of TV Boxes? :thinking:


Do you make these yourself? Great image

kinda sorta…I type in the info…and AI spits out a pic :thinking:


Many thanks. Must start looking into how to do that for a bit of fun.

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Hey TX rod,
Can you make this Avatar like the other ones black and brass. Maybe take the symbol in the middle and make it a little bit larger than the outside circle. play with it and see what it looks like?


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hmmmmm…looks familiar. :smirk:

He wouldn’t take my private message.

Sorry I cant…too many big words for AI :joy: …seriously it has a hard time spelling something right even tho you show it …

Take the words out…

bing ai requires a description and then generates what ever it wants. You can do it yourself as you know what you actually want. The better the description might be better or worse…you never know what you will get.

I typed … round gold starfleet logo…and got…

typed… round gold starfleet logo transparent background …and got…

Interesting, I thought it took the picture and developed it.

I’m sure there are ai models that will do that, but many cost $$$