TROYPOINT onn. Android TV Box Giveaway

Adam Sandler - Waterboy, plus almost any other movie he is in.

Howard Wolowitz - The Big Bang Theory

Robin Williams in anything

One of my favorites is Robin Williams… I miss him! But I also enjoy Bill Murray.

Chevy Chase in all Vacations

Jerry Lewis nutty professor

Jim Belushi in According to Jim

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Chevy chase in any of the vacation movies

Gene Wilder - Stir Crazy

Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, all of them in Superbad

Chevy Chase. Vacation movies.

Leslie Neilsen in Airplane

Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire

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John Candy in Plains, Trains and Automobiles

Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation

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Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinny.

Abbott and Costello Who’s on first.

Robin Williams good morning vietnam

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Steve Carrel in EVERYTHING. Brick on Anchorman was hilarious.

I agree 100% with this :+1: