Tivimate ddos attacks on EPG

Read about Tivimate ddos attacks on EPG’s. Anyone shed some light on this?

never heard of it but sounds like something hollyweird would do.


Guess it’s causing problems with some services. Think it makes EPG’s update constantly, bringing iptv services down. Affected services recommend not updating your EPG until a solution can be found.

Seems tivimate is hammering providers epg server with multiple reqests per second. If you go on Reddit/ tivimate is been talked about for some time. My one sub shut epg down because of it. I turn off all settings for automatic epg update and update manual.


My one subscription posted this

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This :point_up_2:. m3u4u servers got slammed leading to banning IPs. Its a bug in 4.5.1 that I read is in the process of being corrected.


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