Syncler Issue with packages

I have been using Syncler for quite awhile and have no issues. I bought a new box Mecool KM2 for a buddy and I’m trying to set up the box for him since he is technology challenged. I downloaded Syncler with no problems but when I try to add provider packages only Kosmo is highlighted and Express isn’t. Is Syncler still having issues? Kosmos won’t even let me add packages and keeps giving me an error. Not sure what I’m doing wrong this time around. Thanks

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Hi @Remy
So, I’m guessing your neighbor bought a premium package to get Syncler +?

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Here is a guide @TP-Dracoo provided on the Syncler thread, in case you might have missed a step.


No, I have used Syncler on my box without + and it works very well with just RD. My friend knows nothing about this stuff and I just need to upgrade his box and wanted to add Syncler as an option along with Cinema and Kodi


If you dont have S+ you need to install kosmos with providers associated. You wont be able to use express unless you have a plus account.

The link for troy point offers the provider packages you can use for kosmos and they are the best for it, there is at least 3 top you can use for kosmos. Express wont work without s+

So it has changed since the first time I sat up Syncler. I used Express because I couldn’t get Kosmos to work Thanks

I’m not sure if it changed, but express was always used with a S+ For the paid service. Wont work without a paid key.

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Trying to use Kosmos all I get is an error and progress past the initial code page, but I’ll keep at it until it works


What kind of error? The guide if you scroll down shows you how to install kosmos packages. The url link from github is added to syncler/install.

You need to use a phone or another device, easiest to do. once its accpected you hit done on the main device.

Not at home right now so can’t give you exact details. I’ll give you better details later

Went thru the setup like I did before and this time it went through with no issues. So I guess 2nd time is charm



Glad to hear it.