Playback error failed

one or more items failed to play

Check the log for more info
How do I fix this to play what I click on

I’ve never found a way. Even reading the log and trying to find a solution was an epic failure. I have Real - Debrid integrated in my Video add on but still get this pop-up occasionally. So when this occurs and I can find what I’m looking for in another app I use it. Not sure this is fixable as it seems to be a source issue. It isn’t a common thing for me. I do know that let’s say you’re in the Mad Titan add-on and say “live TV” you will need to make sure if a channel is “geo locked” you will need to switch your vpn to the country it’s geo locked to. That stops the warning in live TV for me.

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Was it the live tv on the crew?

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where is the log[quote=“Miki, post:2, topic:55524, full:true”]
I’ve never found a way. Even reading the log and trying to find a solution was an epic failure. I have Real - Debrid integrated in my Video add on but still get this pop-up occasionally. So when this occurs and I can find what I’m looking for in another app I use it. Not sure this is fixable as it seems to be a source issue. It isn’t a common thing for me. I do know that let’s say you’re in the Mad Titan add-on and say “live TV” you will need to make sure if a channel is “geo locked” you will need to switch your vpn to the country it’s geo locked to. That stops the warning in live TV for me.

where is the log

Kodi has a log reader. You just have to activate it. I don’t use Kodi. I can’t stand it. So I’m not really the guy to answer kodi questions or give advice on it. gl2u