Orion payment problem

I have the free Orion plan and I’m trying to sign up for one of the enhanced paid plans, for which you need to buy a voucher on another site. Supposedly, you can do this using paypal and credit cards. Unfortunately, the sites Orion sends me to (keyoneclick.com and Utop) only seem to accept payment in cryptocurrencies, which I have no interest in using. Is there any way to pay for the service just using, you know, regular currencies?


That’s a problem i have adressed with orion, their reseller doesn’t accept paypal. Bitcoin seems to be the best way, their resellers do accept credit cards.

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Orion says that they accept credit cards (as well as paypal), but when you go to their resellers, there doesn’t seem to be any way to do it. It seems like more effort than it’s worth to get into bitcoin–particularly since, with all the possible risks I keep reading about, I’d want to research it a bit before even tipping a toe in–to pay one fee under $20.00.


Yes, i stated its a problem i brought up to orion that their resellers no longer take paypal. You may have to try cc

I assume by cc you mean credit cards. They don’t work either.


Yes, and some cc do. Msg support on orion and bring this up to them. Id also try your hand at bitcoin.

I messaged them about the same issue, I never heard back.

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