Nvidia shield issues running cinema

I try to run cinema and it goes to black no content.

I read your inquiry & am running a NVidia Shield. I am using an Official version of Cinema HD v2 (2,4.0) & tried both a TV show & movie. No problems experienced. You may need to uninstall, update or use the Official version which has ads.
I get around the Ads by using Adguard in 64 bit version plus IPVanish. Use Split Tunneling in IPVanish removing AdGuard & everything else which does not require a VPN like Prime, Tubi & such.
The trick to using the ad blocker with IPVanish is to have IPVanish already running in Connect on Android start-up mode, WireGuard protocol & then start Ad Giuard. In AdGuard in the Apps management section make sure to have IPVanish blocked out in RED.
This is a late development & not previously successful until the Wireguard protocol.
Not sure if this may be a contributing factor but I am ethernet connected with IP address set to Static & on my router have this connection assigned which means IP does not change basically set to permanent. Means it never changes the DHCP.