Issues with getting paid subscription on TIVMATE

Hello All,
Using Tivimate and Im suuuper happy. I installed Tivinmate from the TP_RAI and also, I was able to install Aurora on my 4K using RAI as well. Oh and Im on Dozenz and very impressed as well. Let hope they stay around.

Im trying to pay for the subscription. To my knowledge, I need to install the companion app as well that should be on Aurora. Well, I cant find it there, did search, shows Tivimate but no companion app .

FYI there was a HUUUGE navigation issue trying to highlight and click the proper choices to get Aurora to finally install. It wouldn’t toggle on each item. It would only toggle on the top and then either back or next at bottom.

Anyone have any suggestions ?

I paid mine right through the app itself

I put the companion on my phone.

I did the above option. Worked for me.

Thanks to all, I got it working. Phew.

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