Hollywood Companies Filing Lawsuits Against VPN Providers

Be interesting to see a list of all VPNs and where they are based. Even though all this is very legal you know how it is always in the favor of big corporations. Where are all the debrid companies located? Things like that

Given that even Governments have a hard time accessing data, I doubt this will work.

Everyone needs to get together and file a class action suit. These big companies are just greedy.They want to nickel and dime us to death. 80% of the stations have old pictures running that I saw when I was growing up. They need to come up with a fair price or the people need to flood our representatives email with objections about these things. Also the renting of the service providers equipment needs to be addressed. We’re paying for these routers thousands time more than what they cost because they don’t want to sell them to us.


They are using this as a scare tactic and to get log files so they can find out individual users and invade their privacy. Lawyer greed also pays a big part. They know if they win or lose, they get paid. If you understand how a Tunnel VPN works, then this is a big invasion of piracy.