Firesticks (Critically Low on Storage alert)

This is fantastic news! I’ve been battling this problem for a week now, but only on my old FS not 4K.
The option I’m testing now is if it was overheating.


I apologize for multiple responses here


I’m happy to see I’m not the only one!


My favorite response here is Amazon is working on it!

The stage I’m checking now is overheating.
I’ve deleted everything I can, used every trick in the book.

I figured this old stick was just worn out.

I go from having NO SPACE… 0 ! To having more space than even exists :joy:

Check this out :joy:


Apps you can’t delete can be disabled

Not the Amazon ones. Your only option is to use something like ES File Explorer and find the Amazon apps and clear them. This will not delete them it will simply remove all updates for those apps and return them to Factory setting.

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Must be my android box I’ve done it on , sorry

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I started getting those msgs on my FS4ks about a month ago…I even have expanded memory on all of them…I did the usual stuff by deleting the apps I rarely use, clear cache’s etc but never could restore enough memory to make FS happy. This caused me to look beyond so I bought and programed the Tivo4K…it seem to work fine although I still have trouble with the remote…then two weeks ago, I bought 2 ONNs at Walmart and programmed one of them…so far it has been bullet proof…I’ve never had a single problem with it. I am not using extended memory yet with Launch Manager, Wolf Launcher, Prime, Netflix, HBO, YouTube, Kodi with 3 addons and 5 apks (Cinema, FilmPlus, Nova,Morpheus,Ocean Streams) plus ExpressVPN and Typhoon Labs IPTV, I am still showing 1.5 g of memory remaining…Amazon has put so much of their junk on the FS4k, I am ready to dump them and go with Tivo or ONN

A post was merged into an existing topic: How to turn off screensaver on the new Firestick 4K Max