Cinema apk subtitles

Hi does anyone know how to turn off the subtitles on the cinema apk?

If you press the UP button while your video is playing, you get a line of icons that starts with a “CC” box on the left, then rewind, play/pause, fast-forward, and one more icon whose purpose I’m unsure of (maybe viewing/zoom in/out options). If you go over to the “CC” box, and click to deselect it, that should turn off the subtitles. If it doesn’t, you may be streaming a video with the subtitles included in the stream. If that’s the case, you’d need to choose another link.

I have the opposite problem! I’d like to turn them on, and oftentimes the links for downloading subtitles do absolutely nothing. Does anyone know how to turn ON subtitles in Cinema if the links don’t work??

Thank you for the advice I will try it today

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