And then they came for you

Well said AMD and a most mature attitude. Have a wonderful holiday season. Stay safe and warm.


Heā€™s in therapy now trying to fix that issue! :rofl:


Not just therapy, Iā€™m looking to monitize my issues. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :money_mouth_face:

Well with global warming increasing, i was hoping for reviews on how sum of these devices fare outside in minus degrees, so if i ever build an igloo (with an ice cave), Iā€™ll kno which 1 is cyclone tested

(is it watr proof, wind resistant, duz it float, remote functionality in 60mph wind)

kidding asideā€¦ evry1 stay toasty


Up here in the east TN mountains the temp is dropping as I type. Supposed to get into single digits! I was all excited because we were to get some snow, but all I saw was a flurry or two. :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Where im at the global warming started last night, went from about 60 to 22 overnight :grimacing:

I havenā€™t seen snow in about 15 years. I was kinda hopin to see an 1" or 2"

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give it time, where you are that gona happn :joy:

Moved to NE Tennessee September 1st. Iā€™m in the Tri-city area right smack dab on the Virgina border.

I know exactly where you are :sunglasses:ā€¦j/k. Most of my fam is from Tn. Love that state, very beautiful and good peopleā€¦er mostly :rofl:


Looks like a double D low pressure comin yur way PFā€¦



Yep, I see it as wellā€¦a double decker headed your way.

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Nah, early this morning was supposed to be the targeted time. Itā€™s supposed to start getting warm each day going forward next week. In fact, it supposed to back in the low 60ā€™s by mid-week.

Keep up that positive thinking @Powerfaderā€¦ :+1: :hotsprings:

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lolā€¦ the bosom cyclone sponsored by victoria secrets

e onn boxes work great for streaming with no restrictions like the FS

No restriction on streaming for my 4K Max.


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